Dear Church Family,
The Nominating Committee is searching for members who would like to be considered for the following FBC Boards and Committees: Diaconate, Christian Education Board, Mission Board, Vice Moderator, Board of Trustees and Sonshine Board.

If you would like to be considered for a position, or recommend someone for a position (please talk to them first), please fill in the name in the appropriate area.
Nominations may be placed in the offering basket or emailed to  by September 14, 2024.

  • Terms begin January 1, 2025
  • Nominations will be approved by congregational vote at the Annual
Business meeting on November 10, 2024

Person Submitting the Nomination:

Board of Deacons: Deacons are to be servants of the church (Acts 6:1-4, 1 Timothy 3:1-13). Deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, not pursuing dishonest gain, hold to the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience, above reproach, not malicious talkers, temperate, trustworthy in everything, faithful to their spouse and manage their children and household well. Deacons shall be members of First Baptist Church of Gettysburg for at least one year prior to serving on the Board.

The Board of Deacons shall be diligent in meeting physical and spiritual needs by providing aid, comfort, prayer, and encouragement. The Board of Deacons shall assist the pastor in the preparation and performance of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's supper. The Board of Deacons shall maintain the rolls of active and inactive members and shall be responsible for recommending new members to the church body.


Christian Education Board (CE Board): The CE Board oversees the family, adult, youth, and children's educational ministries of the church.

Christian education ministries of the church include:
Family ministries - Library and special programs.
Adult ministries - Adult Sunday Fellowship Classes and special educational programs. Youth ministries - Middle and High School Sunday Classes and Youth ministries.
Children's ministries - Sunday Fellowship, Children's Church, VBS, AWANA, and special programs.

The board determines that ministry expectations are being met, evaluates fruitfulness, and encourages ministry leaders.


Mission Board: The purpose of the Mission Board is to serve the body with these tasks:
Rooted: Research and evaluate what the Lord is doing in the world discerning which ministry opportunities are most appropriate for FBC's participation consistent with Scripture and FBC's Statement of Faith and Belief.
Growing: Encourage the growing awareness and passion of mission work, both as individuals and as a body. Provide opportunities for our ministries to share their vision and calling with our church body.
Serving: Develop and periodically review strategies to enhance participation in local and global ministry outreach through prayer, financial support and personal service.
Steward: With the Lord's leading, allocate mission dedicated funds to advance the Kingdom of God.


Moderator/Vice Moderator: The Moderator shall preside at all business meetings of the church and serve as the chair of the Official Board.The Vice-Moderator will serve as Moderator when the Moderator is not available. The Vice-Moderator will serve as vice-chair of the Official Board and record the minutes. Upon resignation of Moderator, the Vice-Moderator will fill such vacancy until the next annual election of officers.


Trustees: The Board of Trustees shall hold in trust all property belonging to the Church and shall take all necessary measures for its protection, management and maintenance, including the securing of custodial and other services as needed. The board will regularly evaluate such services to assure effectiveness (1 Peter 4:10-11). The board shall perform other duties as are delegated by the Church or required by law.


SonShine Christian Preschool Board
The purpose of the SonShine Christian Preschool Board is to provide supervision over the operation and ministry of the SonShine Christian Preschool.
The board will work closely with the SonShine Director to make sure that the school is properly staffed with qualified teachers and helpers. The board helps ensure that the proper classes, materials, curriculum, licenses, and activities are being used to prepare the students for spiritual, social, and academic advancement (Deuteronomy 6:4-7a).

SonShine Christian Preschool Board