
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

FBC Gettysburg.

We are here to equip, send, and shepherd our missionaries as they endeavor to make disciples of all nations by means of evangelism, discipleship and church planting.

Why Missions?
The mission of the church was articulated by Jesus Christ in the Great Commission, to make disciples of all nations unto the glory of God through Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18–20). The book of Acts and the epistles of the New Testament demonstrate that this disciple-making endeavor is carried out through the ministry of the local church (Acts 2:43–47; 9:31; 11:26; 14:23; 1 Timothy 3:15).
Therefore, the mission of the church is to proclaim Christ.  First Baptist Church of Gettysburg is committed to continue the work of the Great Commission to other regions.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write a note of encouragement or question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.

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Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to [LOCATION]

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